Archadian Imperial Fleets
The Archadian Imperial Fleets in Final Fantasy XII boasts probably the largest fleet of airships in the Final Fantasy series. The Archadian Imperial Army relies heavily on the firepower of these fleet during their invasions and campaigns. The most prominent fleet in the story is the Western Armada, under the command of Vayne Solidor, Consul of Rabanastre, which commands the skies and seas within Archadia's western territories.
Each fleet consists of several Light Cruiser and Cruiser Class ships, and is usually led by a Dreadnought Class ship. While the exact number of fleets is never revealed, there are at least 12 fleets.
1st Fleet
Led by the Odin, this fleet was part of the large fleet involved with guarding Archadia from the Resistance fleet.
2nd Kerwon Expeditionary Force
The fleet called in to replace the 8th fleet, which has been decimated during their flight above Jagd Yensa.
8th Fleet

The 8th Fleet is a formidable force, and the fleet most featured in Final Fantasy XII. The entire fleet is led by Judge Ghis, onboard his ship the Leviathan. The following ships are part of the 8th fleet:
§ Light Cruiser Class, the Shiva
§ Cruiser Class, the Ifrit
§ Dreadnought Class, the Leviathan
However, this fleet was sunk when Judge Ghis tried using the Dawn Shard. Every ship sank in the heavy mist explosion. Later, the fleet is reassembled, and the Shiva is seen taking place in the final airship battle involving the Sky Fortress Bahamut. It is probably the very same ship that is seen withLeviathan, as Shiva is seen to fall towards the Sandsea, to detonate with the rest of the 8th Fleet during the mist explosion induced by the Dawn Shard.