Saturday 6 August 2011

Its been two days

Lol. Its been 2 days I haven't log in to The Whisperer. First of all to my readers I'm sorry if there ain't any new post at my blog. I've been busy for all this time. I want to share something to you guys. There's is an Operating Program/System called Linux and one of it is Ubuntu. Ubuntu is as same as Mac Software and Windows 7. Ubuntu is even greater than Windows 7 and has less effected by Viruses. Ubuntu has its own weakness that its has a slow reading on printers. But Ubuntu doesn't need to installs software from Google search because its has its own software center. You can search what you need in Ubuntu Software Center. Ubuntu version 11.04 is the newest and if you want to try it go to If you want Ubuntu you must save all of your important files in other computer because Ubuntu will remove all Windows 7 software and anything in your computer. Be careful if you don't want to lose your files.

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